# This Tim Newport-Peace format Airspace file contains the 2010 Nationals # Airspace structure as at Jan 2010 and is for use # # during the 2010 Nationals only. # # For the purposes of the contest, unusable controlled airspace incurring # penalty points in the area is designated Class C in this file. # # Usually RO and AA Class D airspace partly overidden by contest GAA's is designated # Class E. # Tarawera and Urewera GAA's are designated Class A for display purposes # Matamata, Karapiro, Tokoroa and Mangakino Reporoa GAA's are designated Class B for display purposes # Taupo MBZ, National Park and Kaimanawa CFZ are designated Class F. # # The following combinations of the airspace described above may be used concurrently: # NZG 482 (Reporoa), NZG 483 (Tarawera), NZG 484 (Ureweras). # NZG Tarawera Ureweras grouped as "A" airspace. Reporoa is group "F" airspace. # NZG 254 (Matamata), NZG 255 (Karapiro), NZG 481 (Tokoroa), # NZR299 (Mangakino). NZG Matamata, Karapiro, Tokoroa, Mangakino grouped as "B" airspace # The following combinations will not be activated concurrently: # NZG 481 (Tokoroa) and NZG 484 (Ureweras). # NZG 484 (Ureweras) and NZR299 (Mangakino). # NZG 255 (Karapiro)and NZG 484 (Ureweras). # Gliders may also fly within NZG451 Taupo when that GAA is active. # # All current controlled airspace,Training Areas, General Aviation Areas # and some resticted areas are included. The Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga # and Napier Control Zones are simplified for clarity. # The notammed GAA's for the Taupo Nationals are assigned a B Class status for # Contest management reasons. # Matamata, Mercer and Taupo MBZ's and CFZ are shown with F status. # Most Danger Areas are shown. Central North Island MOA's and Danger Areas are shown # with Class C status. # # Whilst every care is taken in its preparation, this file is provided # AS IS, with no guarantees or warranties implied or expressed as to # their completeness, correctness or suitability for any task. # Use them at your own risk. # Always consult the relevant publications for current and to check # information. # The private use of the data during the contest is permitted. # Check the lower levels on the Fielding GAA from VNC Charts, all lower # levels are set to the higher level of 3500ft at present. # # Many Thanks To Rusell Thorne for his good work # Any comments/critiques to Contest Diretcor Roy_baldman@yahoo.com Ph 021 923517 ########################################################################## INCLUDE=YES #NZA 141 CTA/C INCLUDE=YES TITLE=AA CTA/C 124.3 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=1500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S364738 E1745856 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S370044 E1750732 POINT=S370044 E1750732 POINT=S370005 E1750142 POINT=S365950 E1745840 POINT=S370101 E1745627 POINT=S370237 E1745544 POINT=S370437 E1745542 POINT=S370954 E1745401 POINT=S371354 E1745401 POINT=S371435 E1745433 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S370241 E1743020 POINT=S370241 E1743020 POINT=S365954 E1743544 POINT=S365745 E1743653 POINT=S365534 E1744225 POINT=S365444 E1745130 POINT=S365143 E1745256 POINT=S365047 E1745407 POINT=S364738 E1745856 # #NZA 142 CTA/C TITLE=AA CTA/C 124.3 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=2500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S371435 E1745433 POINT=S372312 E1750123 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S365856 E1741739 POINT=S365856 E1741739 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S364712 E1743752 TO=S364326 E1750217 POINT=S364326 E1750217 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S370052 E1751347 POINT=S370052 E1751347 POINT=S370510 E1750917 POINT=S370341 E1750625 POINT=S370333 E1750401 POINT=S370004 E1750142 POINT=S370044 E1750732 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S364738 E1745856 POINT=S364738 E1745856 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S370044 E1750732 POINT=S370044 E1750732 POINT=S370005 E1750142 POINT=S365950 E1745840 POINT=S370101 E1745627 POINT=S370237 E1745544 POINT=S370437 E1745542 POINT=S370954 E1745401 POINT=S371354 E1745401 POINT=S371435 E1745433 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S370241 E1743020 POINT=S370241 E1743020 POINT=S365954 E1743544 POINT=S365745 E1743653 POINT=S365534 E1744225 POINT=S365444 E1745130 POINT=S365143 E1745256 POINT=S365047 E1745407 POINT=S364738 E1745856 POINT=S365047 E1745407 POINT=S365143 E1745256 POINT=S365444 E1745130 POINT=S365534 E1744225 POINT=S365745 E1743653 POINT=S365954 E1743544 POINT=S370241 E1743020 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744848 TO=S371435 E1745433 # #NZA 143 AA CTA/C TITLE=AA CTA/C 124.3 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S363637 E1745857 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S371010 E1751731 POINT=S371010 E1751731 POINT=S370700 E1751241 POINT=S370510 E1750917 POINT=S370052 E1751347 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S364326 E1750217 POINT=S364326 E1750217 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S364712 E1743752 TO=S363637 E1745857 POINT=S363637 E1745857 # #NZA 144 AA CTA/C TITLE=AA CTA/C 124.3 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=4500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S362824 E1750655 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S371829 E1752615 POINT=S371829 E1752615 POINT=S372914 E1752153 POINT=S373048 E1751915 POINT=S373220 E1751409 POINT=S373343 E1750930 POINT=S373424 E1745853 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S370147 E1740509 POINT=S370148 E1740509 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30.0 CENTRE=S364712 E1743752 TO=S362824 E1750656 POINT=S363636 E1745857 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S365856 E1741739 POINT=S365856 E1741739 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S364712 E1743752 TO=S363636 E1745857 # #NZA 145 AA CTA/C TITLE=AA CTA/C 123.9 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=9500ALT TOPS=FL600 POINT=S373630 E1764542 POINT=S374638 E1770217 POINT=S382613 E1780045 POINT=S385704 E1781039 POINT=S390447 E1775428 POINT=S390908 E1774519 POINT=S385543 E1772615 POINT=S385423 E1764743 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=33.0 CENTRE=S392714 E1765208 TO=S390555 E1761940 POINT=S385556 E1755232 POINT=S385718 E1753437 POINT=S385555 E1752219 POINT=S385517 E1751849 POINT=S384936 E1744824 POINT=S390026 E1741102 POINT=S390124 E1735346 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S385014 E1735942 POINT=S385014 E1735942 POINT=S383339 E1740317 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=100.0 CENTRE=S370017 E1744849 TO=S373630 E1764542 # #NZA 146 AA CTA/C TITLE=AA CTA/C 124.3 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=6500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S370816 E1754409 POINT=S370527 E1753204 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S362824 E1750656 POINT=S362824 E1750656 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30.0 CENTRE=S364711 E1743751 TO=S370148 E1740509 POINT=S370148 E1740509 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S372853 E1742331 POINT=S372853 E1742331 POINT=S373909 E1742018 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=45.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S370421 E1735251 POINT=S370421 E1735251 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.0 CENTRE=S364712 E1743752 TO=S361511 E1740804 POINT=S361511 E1740804 POINT=S360122 E1741304 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=50.0 CENTRE=S364712 E1743752 TO=S355729 E1743109 POINT=S355729 E1743109 POINT=S360709 E1743716 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=40.0 CENTRE=S364712 E1743752 TO=S362024 E1751453 POINT=S362024 E1751453 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=45.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S370816 E1754409 # #NZA 149 AA CTA/C TITLE=AA CTA/C 123.9 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL600 POINT=S400017 E1783207 POINT=S390908 E1774519 POINT=S390447 E1775428 POINT=S385704 E1781039 POINT=S382613 E1780045 POINT=S374638 E1770217 POINT=S373630 E1764542 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=100.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S383339 E1740317 POINT=S383339 E1740317 POINT=S385014 E1735942 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S390124 E1735346 POINT=S390124 E1735346 POINT=S390738 E1713322 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=200.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S373229 E1785609 POINT=S400017 E1783207 # #NZA 152 AA CTR/C TITLE=AA CTR/C 124.3 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=1500ALT POINT=S365557 E1745726 POINT=S365643 E1745750 POINT=S365830 E1745850 POINT=S365950 E1745840 POINT=S370101 E1745627 POINT=S370237 E1745544 POINT=S370437 E1745542 POINT=S370510 E1745427 POINT=S370749 E1744800 POINT=S370808 E1744151 POINT=S370337 E1743635 POINT=S370042 E1743618 POINT=S365845 E1743756 POINT=S365753 E1743900 POINT=S365708 E1744519 POINT=S365632 E1744731 POINT=S365555 E1744942 POINT=S365451 E1745417 POINT=S365557 E1745726 # #NZA 155 WP CTR/D TITLE=WP CTR/D 134.5 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S364602 E1745003 POINT=S365618 E1743309 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.0 CENTRE=S365219 E1742923 TO=S364819 E1742537 POINT=S364106 E1743732 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=1.5 CENTRE=S363954 E1743840 TO=S364100 E1743957 POINT=S363949 E1744132 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=1.5 CENTRE=S363843 E1744015 TO=S363917 E1744159 POINT=S363938 E1744437 POINT=S363708 E1744727 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=5.0 CENTRE=S364203 E1744617 TO=S364602 E1745003 # #NZA 241 HN CTA/D TITLE=HN CTA/D 125.3 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=2500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S372914 E1752153 POINT=S373929 E1753140 POINT=S374726 E1753343 POINT=S380119 E1752913 POINT=S380857 E1752509 POINT=S381113 E1751239 POINT=S380650 E1750101 POINT=S380044 E1750947 POINT=S375205 E1750533 POINT=S373943 E1750729 POINT=S373343 E1750930 POINT=S373220 E1751409 POINT=S373048 E1751915 POINT=S372914 E1752153 # #NZA 242 HN CTA/D TITLE=HN CTA/D 125.3 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=4500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S373343 E1750930 POINT=S373943 E1750729 POINT=S375205 E1750533 POINT=S380044 E1750947 POINT=S380650 E1750101 POINT=S374925 E1745824 POINT=S373424 E1745853 POINT=S373343 E1750930 # #NZA 243 AA CTA/D TITLE=AA CTA/D 119.5 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=6500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S371410 E1760931 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=26.5 CENTRE=S374039 E1761128 TO=S372715 E1754242 POINT=S372715 E1754242 POINT=S373929 E1753140 POINT=S372914 E1752153 POINT=S371829 E1752615 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S370527 E1753204 POINT=S370527 E1753204 POINT=S371410 E1760931 # #NZA 244 RO CTA/D TITLE=RO CTA/D 119.5 TYPE=C CLASS=E BASE=4500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S380342 E1763730 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S382110 E1762246 POINT=S382110 E1762246 POINT=S383058 E1762525 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S381508 E1754905 POINT=S381508 E1754905 POINT=S380838 E1753301 POINT=S380857 E1752509 POINT=S380119 E1752913 POINT=S374726 E1753343 POINT=S373929 E1753140 POINT=S372715 E1754242 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=26.5 CENTRE=S374039 E1761128 TO=S371410 E1760931 POINT=S371410 E1760931 POINT=S373630 E1764542 POINT=S374733 E1763140 POINT=S373718 E1762757 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S374039 E1761128 TO=S374059 E1755428 POINT=S374059 E1755428 POINT=S380917 E1760010 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S382113 E1761510 POINT=S382113 E1761510 POINT=S381639 E1761818 POINT=S381409 E1761800 POINT=S380923 E1762550 POINT=S380511 E1762733 POINT=S380342 E1763730 # #NZA 251 RO CTA/D TITLE=RO CTA/D 119.5 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=2500ALT TOPS=6500ALT POINT=S373718 E1762756 POINT=S375220 E1763325 POINT=S374058 E1755428 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S374039 E1761128 TO=S373718 E1762756 # #NZA 256 TG CTR/D TITLE=TG CTR/D 118.3 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S373438 E1762132 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S374039 E1761128 TO=S374432 E1762305 POINT=S374539 E1761122 POINT=S374205 E1755911 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S374039 E1761128 TO=S373257 E1760324 POINT=S373438 E1762132 # #NZA 257 HN CTR/D TITLE=HN CTR/D 122.9 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S374348 E1752908 POINT=S380036 E1752341 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S375057 E1752018 TO=S375805 E1751127 POINT=S375805 E1751127 POINT=S374118 E1751656 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S375057 E1752018 TO=S374348 E1752908 # #NZA 330 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C TM 125.1 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=11500ALT TOPS=FL600 CIRCLE RADIUS=3.0 CENTRE=S391722 E1753345 # #NZA 331 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C 126.2 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=1500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S401719 E1754518 POINT=S401921 E1754451 POINT=S402208 E1753943 POINT=S402537 E1753453 POINT=S402834 E1751831 POINT=S402328 E1751854 POINT=S402224 E1751341 POINT=S402327 E1750554 POINT=S401427 E1750405 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S395836 E1751622 POINT=S395836 E1751622 POINT=S400131 E1752200 POINT=S400817 E1753938 POINT=S401645 E1754524 POINT=S401719 E1754518 # #NZA 333 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C 126.2 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S401531 E1755837 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=16.0 CENTRE=S401913 E1753816 TO=S402850 E1755501 POINT=S403847 E1754220 POINT=S403722 E1753546 POINT=S403635 E1753200 POINT=S403608 E1752946 POINT=S404238 E1751622 POINT=S403754 E1745948 POINT=S403754 E1745232 POINT=S394745 E1744603 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=38.0 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S394128 E1745505 POINT=S394151 E1752210 POINT=S394841 E1752643 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=24.0 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S395204 E1753947 POINT=S395204 E1753947 POINT=S395930 E1754338 POINT=S400333 E1754647 POINT=S401645 E1754524 POINT=S400818 E1753943 POINT=S400427 E1753957 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S401427 E1750405 POINT=S402327 E1750554 POINT=S403254 E1750750 POINT=S403254 E1751546 POINT=S402834 E1751831 POINT=S402537 E1753453 POINT=S402153 E1755334 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=12.0 CENTRE=S401930 E1753816 TO=S401612 E1755329 POINT=S401612 E1755329 POINT=S401531 E1755837 # #NZA 335 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C 123.2 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=1500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S401709 E1754617 POINT=S401939 E1754532 POINT=S402038 E1754444 POINT=S402212 E1754325 POINT=S402208 E1753943 POINT=S402208 E1753943 POINT=S402537 E1753453 POINT=S402834 E1751831 POINT=S402328 E1751854 POINT=S402224 E1751341 POINT=S402327 E1750554 POINT=S401427 E1750405 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S395836 E1751622 POINT=S395836 E1751622 POINT=S400131 E1752200 POINT=S400131 E1752200 POINT=S400817 E1753938 POINT=S401645 E1754524 POINT=S401709 E1754617 # #NZA 336 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C 123.2 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=1800ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S401709 E1754617 POINT=S401814 E1754824 POINT=S401900 E1754858 POINT=S401922 E1754842 POINT=S401923 E1754709 POINT=S402021 E1754632 POINT=S402038 E1754444 POINT=S401939 E1754532 POINT=S401709 E1754617 # #NZA 337 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C 123.2 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=2500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S402328 E1751854 POINT=S402833 E1751830 POINT=S403253 E1751546 POINT=S403253 E1750749 POINT=S402327 E1750554 POINT=S402223 E1751340 POINT=S402328 E1751854 # #NZA 338 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C 123.2 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=2500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S400426 E1753957 POINT=S400817 E1753942 POINT=S400136 E1752209 POINT=S395836 E1751621 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S401234 E1752331 TO=S400426 E1753957 # #NZA 339 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C 123.2 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=2500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S401612 E1755329 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=12.0 CENTRE=S401913 E1753816 TO=S402153 E1755334 POINT=S402153 E1755334 POINT=S402537 E1753453 POINT=S402208 E1753943 POINT=S402212 E1754325 POINT=S402038 E1754444 POINT=S402021 E1754632 POINT=S401923 E1754709 POINT=S401922 E1754842 POINT=S401900 E1754858 POINT=S401814 E1754824 POINT=S401612 E1755329 # #NZA 340 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C 126.2 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=9500ALT TOPS=FL600 POINT=S390909 E1774519 POINT=S411650 E1754818 POINT=S411118 E1751851 POINT=S405707 E1751657 POINT=S404238 E1751622 POINT=S403754 E1745948 POINT=S403754 E1745524 POINT=S394128 E1745505 POINT=S385048 E1745448 POINT=S385517 E1751849 POINT=S385555 E1752219 POINT=S385718 E1753437 POINT=S385556 E1755232 POINT=S390555 E1761940 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=33.0 CENTRE=S392714 E1765208 TO=S385423 E1764743 POINT=S385543 E1772615 POINT=S390909 E1774519 # #NZA341 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C 126.2 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=13500ALT TOPS=FL600 POINT=S400017 E1783207 POINT=S412742 E1764837 POINT=S411650 E1754818 POINT=S390908 E1774519 POINT=S400017 E1783207 # #NZA 342 NP CTA/D TITLE=NP CTA/D 124.7 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=2500ALT TOPS=6500ALT POINT=S385854 E1743754 POINT=S385928 E1742818 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S391326 E1741543 POINT=S391326 E1741543 POINT=S390808 E1741348 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=8.0 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S390734 E1740623 POINT=S390734 E1740623 POINT=S391010 E1735901 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S384655 E1741033 POINT=S384655 E1741033 POINT=S383918 E1741017 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=21.1 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S385854 E1743754 # #NZA 343 NP CTA/D TITLE=NP CTA/D 124.3 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=4500ALT TOPS=6500ALT POINT=S385854 E1743754 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=21.0 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S392040 E1741819 POINT=S392040 E1741819 POINT=S391942 E1741758 POINT=S391326 E1741543 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S385928 E1742818 POINT=S385928 E1742818 POINT=S385854 E1743754 # #NZA 344 CH CTA/D TITLE=CH CTA/D 123.7 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=6500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S385048 E1745448 POINT=S394128 E1745505 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=38.0 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S394745 E1744603 POINT=S394745 E1744603 POINT=S403754 E1745232 POINT=S405417 E1741821 POINT=S394349 E1743146 POINT=S392040 E1741820 POINT=S391327 E1741543 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S390124 E1735346 POINT=S390124 E1735345 POINT=S390026 E1741102 POINT=S384936 E1744823 POINT=S385048 E1745448 # #NZA 345 OH CTA/D TITLE=OH CTA/D 126.2 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=6500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S385555 E1752219 POINT=S392759 E1752535 POINT=S392759 E1753408 POINT=S394142 E1753519 POINT=S394150 E1752210 POINT=S394151 E1745505 POINT=S385048 E1745448 POINT=S385517 E1751849 POINT=S385555 E1752219 # #NZA 346 OH CTA/C TITLE=OH CTA/C 125.1 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=4500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S401144 E1761331 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=28.0 CENTRE=S401913 E1753816 TO=S403601 E1760738 POINT=S402850 E1755501 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=16.0 CENTRE=S401913 E1753816 TO=S401531 E1755837 POINT=S401612 E1755329 POINT=S401709 E1754618 POINT=S401645 E1754524 POINT=S400333 E1754647 POINT=S395930 E1754338 POINT=S395204 E1753947 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=24.0 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S394841 E1752643 POINT=S394151 E1752210 POINT=S394256 E1753525 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=31.0 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S394719 E1754656 POINT=S401025 E1755507 POINT=S401149 E1755649 POINT=S401144 E1761331 # #NZA 350 NP CTR/D TITLE=NP CTR/D 124.7 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S385217 E1741828 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S390123 E1742348 POINT=S390123 E1742348 POINT=S390834 E1740334 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S385927 E1735816 POINT=S385927 E1735816 POINT=S385217 E1741828 # #NZA351 PN CTR/D TITLE=PN CTR/D 120.6/125.1 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=1500ALT POINT=S401719 E1754519 POINT=S401921 E1754451 POINT=S402209 E1753943 POINT=S402224 E1753727 POINT=S402332 E1752606 POINT=S402327 E1752128 POINT=S401931 E1752242 POINT=S401652 E1752753 POINT=S401656 E1753101 POINT=S401655 E1753141 POINT=S401645 E1753316 POINT=S401651 E1753742 POINT=S401650 E1753817 POINT=S401719 E1754519 # #NZA 352 OH CTR/D TITLE=OH CTR/D 134.5 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=1500ALT POINT=S401302 E1753231 POINT=S401508 E1753159 POINT=S401652 E1752753 POINT=S401931 E1752242 POINT=S402327 E1752128 POINT=S402328 E1751854 POINT=S402224 E1751341 POINT=S400355 E1750732 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S395836 E1751622 POINT=S400131 E1752200 POINT=S400505 E1752230 POINT=S400515 E1752330 POINT=S401046 E1753029 POINT=S401302 E1753231 # #NZA 430 GS CTA/D TITLE=GS CTA/D 127.3 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S382613 E1780045 POINT=S385704 E1781039 POINT=S390447 E1775428 POINT=S385034 E1773641 POINT=S384653 E1774406 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S383938 E1775839 TO=S382613 E1780045 # #NZA 431 GS CTA/D TITLE=GS CTA/D 127.3 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=5500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S382409 E1774229 POINT=S382914 E1774740 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S383938 E1775839 TO=S384248 E1774154 POINT=S384247 E1774154 POINT=S384419 E1773349 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S383938 E1775839 TO=S382409 E1774229 # #NZA 432 GS CTA/D TITLE=GS CTA/D 127.3 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=6500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S390447 E1775428 POINT=S390908 E1774519 POINT=S385543 E1772615 POINT=S385034 E1773641 POINT=S390447 E1775428 # #NZA 436 AA CTA/D TITLE=AA CTA/D 126.0 TYPE=C CLASS=E BASE=6500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S382613 E1780045 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S383938 E1775839 TO=S382914 E1774740 POINT=S382409 E1774230 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S383938 E1775839 TO=S384419 E1773349 POINT=S384248 E1774154 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S383938 E1775839 TO=S384653 E1774406 POINT=S385034 E1773641 POINT=S385543 E1772615 POINT=S385423 E1764743 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=33.0 CENTRE=S392714 E1765208 TO=S390555 E1761940 POINT=S390555 E1761940 POINT=S385556 E1755233 POINT=S385718 E1753437 POINT=S385555 E1752219 POINT=S385518 E1751849 POINT=S384936 E1744824 POINT=S390026 E1741102 POINT=S390124 E1735346 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S385014 E1735942 POINT=S383339 E1740317 POINT=S372854 E1742331 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=35.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744850 TO=S373424 E1745853 POINT=S374925 E1745824 POINT=S380650 E1750101 POINT=S381113 E1751239 POINT=S380857 E1752510 POINT=S380838 E1753301 POINT=S381508 E1754905 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S383058 E1762525 POINT=S382111 E1762246 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S380246 E1763714 POINT=S374733 E1763140 POINT=S373631 E1764542 POINT=S374638 E1770217 POINT=S382613 E1780045 # #NZA 440 NR CTA/D TITLE=NR CTA/D 124.8 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=2500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S392001 E1771612 POINT=S392200 E1770935 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=14.5 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S392050 E1763520 POINT=S392050 E1763520 POINT=S392249 E1764032 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S391716 E1765047 POINT=S391716 E1765047 POINT=S390719 E1764927 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S392001 E1771612 # #NZA 441 NR CTA/D TITLE=NR CTA/D 124.8 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=3000ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S391247 E1765011 POINT=S391716 E1765047 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S392249 E1764032 POINT=S392249 E1764032 POINT=S392050 E1763520 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=14.5 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S391247 E1765011 # #NZA 442 NR CTA/D TITLE=NR CTA/D 124.8 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=4500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S390719 E1764927 POINT=S391247 E1765011 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=14.5 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S392050 E1763520 POINT=S392050 E1763520 POINT=S391617 E1763032 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S390719 E1764927 # #NZA 443 NR CTA/D TITLE=NR CTA/D 124.8 TYPE=C CLASS=E BASE=6500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S385422 E1764743 POINT=S390719 E1764927 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S391617 E1763032 POINT=S391617 E1763032 POINT=S390555 E1761939 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=33.0 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S385422 E1764743 # #NZA 446 RO CTR/D TITLE=RO CTR/D 121.2 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=3500ALT POINT=S375855 E1763038 POINT=S380309 E1762819 POINT=S380511 E1762733 POINT=S380923 E1762549 POINT=S381409 E1761800 POINT=S381743 E1761325 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=12.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S381033 E1760432 POINT=S381034 E1760432 POINT=S375429 E1761919 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=12.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S375855 E1763038 # #NZA 447 RO CTA/D TITLE=RO CTA/D 119.5 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S375220 E1763325 POINT=S380245 E1763714 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S380341 E1763730 POINT=S380341 E1763730 POINT=S380511 E1762733 POINT=S380923 E1762549 POINT=S381409 E1761800 POINT=S381639 E1761818 POINT=S382113 E1761510 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S380917 E1760009 POINT=S380917 E1760009 POINT=S380203 E1755838 POINT=S374310 E1755445 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S374039 E1761128 TO=S374058 E1755428 POINT=S374058 E1755428 POINT=S375220 E1763325 # #NZA 450 GS CTR/D TITLE=GS CTR/D 127.3 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=3500ALT POINT=S382746 E1780110 POINT=S384906 E1780803 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=12.0 CENTRE=S383937 E1775839 TO=S385124 E1775536 POINT=S385124 E1775536 POINT=S383023 E1774852 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=12.0 CENTRE=S383937 E1775839 TO=S382746 E1780110 # #NZA 456 NR CTR/D TITLE=NR CTR/D 124.8 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S391827 E1764555 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S393547 E1764526 POINT=S393547 E1764526 POINT=S391827 E1764555 POINT=S391731 E1764903 POINT=S392929 E1764856 POINT=S393043 E1764718 POINT=S393515 E1764540 POINT=S393547 E1764526 # #NZA 540 NR CTA/D TITLE=NR CTA/D 124.8 TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=3500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S394113 E1764712 POINT=S394632 E1764519 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S392502 E1762628 POINT=S392502 E1762628 POINT=S392538 E1763332 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=14.5 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S394113 E1764712 # #NZA 541 NR CTA/D TITLE=NR CTA/D 124.8 South TYPE=C CLASS=D BASE=6500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S394632 E1764519 POINT=S395611 E1764153 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30.0 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S392354 E1761339 POINT=S392354 E1761339 POINT=S392502 E1762628 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S392713 E1765208 TO=S394632 E1764519 # #NZA 835 CH CTA/C TITLE=CH CTA/C 129.4 9500FT-FL600 TYPE=C CLASS=C BASE=9500ALT TOPS=FL600 POINT=S385048 E1745448 POINT=S394152 E1745505 POINT=S403754 E1745524 POINT=S403754 E1745948 POINT=S404238 E1751622 POINT=S405707 E1751657 POINT=S411118 E1751851 POINT=S411307 E1752735 POINT=S411650 E1754818 POINT=S460029 E1705037 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S454740 E1702838 TO=S460437 E1704350 POINT=S460437 E1704350 POINT=S461311 E1702548 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=20.0 CENTRE=S455541 E1701154 TO=S461516 E1701736 POINT=S462007 E1694240 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=30.0 CENTRE=S455645 E1700943 TO=S460000 E1692657 POINT=S455209 E1695337 POINT=S454030 E1701817 POINT=S450116 E1705458 POINT=S441024 E1712916 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=60.0 CENTRE=S433015 E1723053 TO=S425533 E1712340 POINT=S413712 E1723754 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=100.0 CENTRE=S412014 E1744901 TO=S395813 E1733342 POINT=S395813 E1733342 POINT=S390602 E1735518 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=13.5 CENTRE=S390026 E1741102 TO=S390124 E1735346 POINT=S390026 E1741102 POINT=S384936 E1744824 POINT=S385048 E1745448 # # # # # #NZG 458 Paeroa Rge, GAA APVL TITLE=Paeroa Rge, GAA APVL TYPE=G CLASS=G BASE=4500ALT TOPS=5500ALT POINT=S382254 E1762031 POINT=S382548 E1761903 POINT=S382654 E1761459 POINT=S382634 E1761232 POINT=S382443 E1761207 POINT=S382207 E1761316 POINT=S382207 E1761316 POINT=S382109 E1761716 POINT=S382114 E1761928 POINT=S382254 E1762031 # # #NZG 159 WP GAA TITLE=WP GAA ATC APPVL TYPE=G CLASS=G BASE=2500ALT TOPS=3500ALT POINT=S363948 E1743649 POINT=S364106 E1743733 POINT=S364346 E1744057 POINT=S364712 E1743751 POINT=S364803 E1743402 POINT=S364021 E1742903 POINT=S364011 E1743211 POINT=S364015 E1743401 POINT=S363948 E1743649 # # #################################################Check lower levels as appropriate TITLE=NZG 358 Feilding GAA APPVL TYPE=G CLASS=G BASE=3500ALT TOPS=5500ALT POINT=S395930 E1754338 POINT=S400333 E1754647 POINT=S401645 E1754524 POINT=S401719 E1754518 POINT=S401650 E1753817 POINT=S401650 E1753742 POINT=S401142 E1753411 POINT=S400559 E1753250 POINT=S400228 E1753817 POINT=S395930 E1754338 # #Taupo NZG 451 TITLE=TAUPO GAA APPROVAL TYPE=G CLASS=A BASE=6500ALT TOPS=FL165 CIRCLE RADIUS=7.0 CENTRE=S384436 E1760427 # # #NZM 300 Rangipo Desert, Central North Island TITLE=RANGIPO ARMY TYPE=P CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=13000ALT POINT=S391744 E1754354 POINT=S391839 E1754306 POINT=S392314 E1754141 POINT=S392314 E1754116 POINT=S392154 E1754051 POINT=S392154 E1753956 POINT=S391954 E1753841 POINT=S391859 E1753716 POINT=S391734 E1753851 POINT=S391749 E1754016 POINT=S391720 E1754217 POINT=S391744 E1754354 # #NZM 301 Moawhango, East Waiouru TITLE=MOAWHANGO ARMY 0-13000FT TYPE=P CLASS=C BASE=SFC TOPS=13000ALT POINT=S391533 E1755620 POINT=S391611 E1755853 POINT=S391711 E1760016 POINT=S391711 E1755831 POINT=S392114 E1755831 POINT=S392116 E1760156 POINT=S392449 E1760030 POINT=S393004 E1755404 POINT=S393114 E1755201 POINT=S393017 E1755001 POINT=S393118 E1754205 POINT=S392834 E1754106 POINT=S392804 E1754116 POINT=S392754 E1754111 POINT=S392504 E1754156 POINT=S392329 E1754316 POINT=S392254 E1754321 POINT=S391914 E1754431 POINT=S391834 E1754513 POINT=S391716 E1754507 POINT=S391737 E1755148 POINT=S391652 E1755536 POINT=S391533 E1755620 # #NZM 303 Ohakea, Manawatu TITLE=OHAKEA MIL 125.1 TYPE=P BASE=SFC TOPS=1500ALT POINT=S401325 E1753354 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=8 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S402032 E1752446 POINT=S402324 E1752601 POINT=S402328 E1751854 POINT=S402224 E1751341 POINT=S400355 E1750732 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S401235 E1752331 TO=S395836 E1751622 POINT=S395836 E1751622 POINT=S400136 E1752209 POINT=S400504 E1752226 POINT=S400519 E1752329 POINT=S401325 E1753354 # # TITLE=MATAMATA MBZ 120.0 15Mins TYPE=I CLASS=F BASE=SFC TOPS=4500ALT CIRCLE RADIUS=3.0 CENTRE=S374404 E1754431 # #NZB 371 National Park MBZ #Permanently active TITLE=Park 119.6 10min TYPE=I CLASS=F BASE=4500ALT TOPS=FL115 POINT=S390542 E1754815 POINT=S391744 E1754354 POINT=S391720 E1754217 POINT=S391749 E1754016 POINT=S391734 E1753851 POINT=S391859 E1753716 POINT=S391954 E1753841 POINT=S392154 E1753956 POINT=S392154 E1754051 POINT=S392314 E1754116 POINT=S392600 E1754027 POINT=S392756 E1753933 POINT=S392802 E1753521 POINT=S392445 E1752601 POINT=S392016 E1752528 POINT=S391038 E1752410 POINT=S390240 E1753631 POINT=S390458 E1754655 POINT=S390542 E1754815 # #NZB 471 Tarawera MBZ #Permanently active TITLE=TARAREWA 120.9 10min TYPE=I CLASS=F BASE=SFC TOPS=4500ALT POINT=S380342 E1763730 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S382110 E1762246 POINT=S382023 E1762149 POINT=S381409 E1761800 POINT=S380923 E1762550 POINT=S380511 E1762733 POINT=S380342 E1763730 # #NZB 477A Taupo MBZ TITLE=TAUPO MBZ 118.4 TM only 2500-6500FT TYPE=I CLASS=F BASE=SFC TOPS=6500ALT POINT=S383702 E1760811 POINT=S383957 E1760703 POINT=S384052 E1760722 POINT=S384212 E1760750 POINT=S384409 E1760739 POINT=S384651 E1760720 POINT=S384724 E1760716 POINT=S385100 E1760756 POINT=S385109 E1760042 POINT=S385114 E1755634 POINT=S384118 E1755754 POINT=S383736 E1760620 POINT=S383702 E1760811 # #TAUPO NZB477B TITLE=TAUPO 477B TM 118.4 10Mins 3000-6500FT TYPE=I CLASS=F BASE=3000ALT TOPS=6500ALT POINT=S383317 E1760939 POINT=S383702 E1760811 POINT=S383736 E1760620 POINT=S384118 E1755754 POINT=S385114 E1755634 POINT=S385109 E1760042 POINT=S385100 E1760756 POINT=S384724 E1760716 POINT=S384651 E1760720 POINT=S385306 E1761518 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=12.0 CENTRE=S384436 E1760427 TO=S383317 E1760939 POINT=S383317 E1760939 # # #NZC 476 Kaimanawa CFZ, Central North Island TITLE=KAIMANAWA 134.0 CFZ TYPE=I CLASS=E BASE=SFC TOPS=6500ALT POINT=S390731 E1763623 POINT=S392348 E1761941 POINT=S392116 E1760156 POINT=S391711 E1755831 POINT=S391711 E1760016 POINT=S391611 E1755853 POINT=S391533 E1755620 POINT=S391652 E1755536 POINT=S391737 E1755148 POINT=S391716 E1754507 POINT=S390131 E1760630 POINT=S385500 E1761707 POINT=S390731 E1763624 # #NZC 478 Centennial Park CFZ TITLE=Centennial Park 134.45 CFZ TYPE=I CLASS=F BASE=SFC TOPS=4500ALT POINT=S383754 E1761114 POINT=S384237 E1761040 POINT=S384212 E1760750 POINT=S384052 E1760722 POINT=S383957 E1760703 POINT=S383702 E1760811 POINT=S383754 E1761114 # # # #NZG 253 MARAMARUA TITLE=NZG 253 MARAMARUA GAA Notification TYPE=G CLASS=G BASE=4500ALT TOPS=5500ALT POINT=S371010 E1751731 POINT=S371408 E1752337 POINT=S371829 E1752615 POINT=S372914 E1752153 POINT=S373048 E1751915 POINT=S373220 E1751409 POINT=S372922 E1750924 POINT=S372312 E1750123 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25.0 CENTRE=S370016 E1744849 TO=S371010 E1751731 # #NZG 255 KARAPIRO TITLE=NZG 255 KARAPIRO GAA Approval TYPE=G CLASS=B BASE=4500ALT TOPS=6500ALT POINT=S375221 E1755033 POINT=S375848 E1754536 POINT=S380838 E1753301 POINT=S380857 E1752509 POINT=S380119 E1752913 POINT=S374726 E1753343 POINT=S375004 E1753930 POINT=S375221 E1755033 # #NZG 254 MATAMATA GAA TITLE=MATAMATA GAA Notification TYPE=G CLASS=B BASE=4500ALT TOPS=6500ALT POINT=S372715 E1754242 POINT=S373127 E1754551 POINT=S373229 E1754656 POINT=S373413 E1754917 POINT=S374059 E1755428 POINT=S375155 E1755631 POINT=S375221 E1755033 POINT=S375004 E1753930 POINT=S374726 E1753343 POINT=S373920 E1753140 POINT=S372715 E1754242 # # #NZR 299 MANGAKINO TITLE=NZR 299 MANGAKINO 0-7000FT NOTAM TYPE=R CLASS=B BASE=SFC TOPS=7000ALT POINT=S382330 E1760149 POINT=S383136 E1755416 POINT=S384821 E1753916 POINT=S385312 E1752458 POINT=S382748 E1752837 POINT=S380854 E1753301 POINT=S381412 E1755331 POINT=S382330 E1760149 # # #NZG 484 UREWERAS TITLE=UREWERAS GAA 119.5 6500-9500FT NOTAM TYPE=G CLASS=A BASE=6500ALT TOPS=9500ALT POINT=S381500 E1771300 POINT=S385423 E1764743 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=33.0 CENTRE=S392714 E1765208 TO=S390555 E1761940 POINT=S390229 E1761019 POINT=S385322 E1761538 POINT=S383033 E1761022 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S383054 E1762528 POINT=S382110 E1762246 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S380342 E1763730 POINT=S375949 E1765104 POINT=S381500 E1771300 # #NZG 484 UREWERAS 6500-8500FT TITLE=UREWERAS GAA 119.5 6500-8500FT NOTAM TYPE=G CLASS=A BASE=6500ALT TOPS=8500ALT POINT=S390555 E1761940 POINT=S391034 E1762433 POINT=S385423 E1764743 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=33.0 CENTRE=S392714 E1765208 TO=S390555 E1761940 # #NZG 483 TARAWERA TITLE=TARAWERA GAA 119.5 4500-9500FT NOTAM TYPE=G CLASS=A BASE=4500ALT TOPS=6500ALT POINT=S380342 E1763730 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S382110 E1762246 POINT=S382023 E1762149 POINT=S381409 E1761800 POINT=S381409 E1761800 POINT=S380923 E1762550 POINT=S380511 E1762733 POINT=S380342 E1763730 # #NZG 482 REPOROA 19 Nov 09 TITLE=REPOROA GAA 119.5 4500-6500FT NOTAM TYPE=G CLASS=F BASE=4500FT TOPS=6500FT POINT=S382110 E1762246 POINT=S383053 E1762528 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S383033 E1761022 POINT=S383033 E1761022 The stream to POINT=S382152 E1760950 POINT=S382022 E1761140 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=15.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S382113 E1761510 POINT=S382113 E1761510 POINT=S381639 E1761818 POINT=S381409 E1761800 SH5 POINT=S382023 E1762149 Waiotapu POINT=S382110 E1762246 # #NZG 481 TOKOROA TITLE=TOKOROA GAA 119.5 4500-6500FT NOTAM TYPE=G CLASS=B BASE=4500ALT TOPS=6500ALT POINT=S375155 E1755631 POINT=S375202 E1755635 POINT=S380103 E1755826 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=17.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S382152 E1760950 POINT=S383033 E1761022 CLOCKWISE RADIUS=25.0 CENTRE=S380629 E1761850 TO=S381508 E1754905 POINT=S380838 E1753301 POINT=S375848 E1754536 POINT=S375221 E1755033 POINT=S375155 E1755631 # # # #NZC 479 Hastings CFZ, Hawke Bay TITLE= HASTINGS CFZ 125.8 BELOW CTA tYPE=I CLASS=F BASE=SFC TOPS=2500ALT POINT=S393815 E1770645 POINT=S394958 E1770138 POINT=S395600 E1765800 POINT=S395644 E1765544 POINT=S395616 E1763532 POINT=S395140 E1763202 POINT=S394348 E1762640 POINT=S393708 E1762929 POINT=S393011 E1763546 POINT=S393515 E1764540 POINT=S393547 E1764526 ANTI-CLOCKWISE RADIUS=10.0 CENTRE=S392714 E1765208 TO=S393628 E1765708 POINT=S393730 E1770530 POINT=S393815 E1770645 # # END